Introducing: Whistle - Signature casual handwritten font with personal charm. With a charming sweep that is perfect for branding your product needs and brand name
Whistle includes 3 font files;
1. Whistle • Font containing upper & lower case letters, numbers and various complete marks
2. Whistle Alt • Have Having an alternative character, with lowercase letters that are completely new.
Fonts are provided in TTF & OTF format
Supported fonts Please send a message to you if you are an element of any language support.
Ligatures • Also available for several lowercase letters (more natural double letters). This can only be accessed through software with different devices or flying machine panels, eg Photoshop / Illustrator.
There he is! I really hope you enjoy it - comments & likes are always welcome and accepted. More importantly, don't hesitate to send a message if you have a problem or question.
Now just read this, go there and make it happen :)
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